There are many types of tiles that are used in a home for renovation projects of existing homes and new construction projects for future homes. Of these tiles, flooring tiles and wall tiles are some of the most popular types. But each type of tile can be made from different materials, such as ceramic or glazed porcelain. Brookridge residents might not know the difference between the different materials that are being used for each tile, and think that maybe some might be better for their home then others. So, what is the difference between glazed porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles?
Durability of the Tiles
Durability is one of the most important qualities of either flooring or wall tiles that a homeowner needs to consider. Some homeowners need stronger tiles over others, such as if they have small children or animals in their home that can potentially damage or break them. Another important aspect of durability that is important to floor tiles is how much foot traffic is expected to be on them regularly. When it comes between ceramic tiles and tiles made of glazed porcelain, Brookridge residents should know that porcelain tiles are going to be stronger and easier to clean. That extra layer of glaze on top of the tile helps protect the material underneath from damage and staining much better than untreated tiles.
While Tile Requires Less Maintenance?
For the same reasons that a glazed porcelain tile is more durable than an untreated ceramic tile, a ceramic tile is going to require more maintenance to look clean and last longer than tiles made from glazed porcelain. Brookridge residents should be aware that untreated or unglazed flooring or wall tiles are much more susceptible to dirt and staining when compared to their glazed counterparts. This is because the untreated materials are often porous and absorb what is left on top of them after a long time. If you do not want to take additional time throughout the year to clean your tiles, you may want to consider a glazed tile as opposed to an unglazed one.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Proline Tile Distributors*