Whether you are looking to move into a new home or make an upgrade on your current flooring, Laminate is a very popular material that has a benefit of looking like real wood, without the price and care needed like traditional hardwoods. With Laminates, Ridge manor residents will probably find this flooring much more budget friendly than that of its real wood counterpart. Laminate flooring consists of several thin layers of material pressed together, along with a printed paper layer that gives it the look of wood, followed to a protective clear coat that seals the look together and gives it its strength.
What is the Average Lifespan of Laminate Flooring?
This is a hard question to answer because so many factors can affect the longevity of your homes laminate flooring. With Laminates, Ridge Manor residents can on average, make their flooring last anywhere between fifteen years and twenty five years. This is not an end all be all statement to this question because some homeowners are unlucky and might have to replace their floors after only ten years while some owners can make their laminate flooring last over thirty years. These numbers all depend on the use, maintenance and traffic in the home as well as if the floors were properly installed in the first place.
Be Careful of the Chemicals You Use on Your Floor
You can also affect the longevity your flooring by using the wrong types of chemical cleaners, or if you don’t wipe up spills immediately, allowing them to penetrate into the backing itself. Laminate provides you with one useful life; as in it can’t be sanded and refinished again and again like a hardwood floor can. Once the top layer wears away, laminate must be replaced. When cleaning Laminates, Ridge Manor residents should be cognizant of the cleaner they are putting on the surface of their laminate tiles.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Proline Tile Distributors*